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Workshop & trip to Ferrari MilleChili lab and Galleria Ferrari with 50 students from Politecnico di Bari

Mike Ciavarella's picture

  ferrari workshop

 ferrari workshop2

On friday we had a wonderful trip to Modena, at the University of Modena's Millechili
with which I collaborate also for the MilleChili journal Millechili Journal -- weight reduction in vehicle design.
In collaboration with Ferrari SpA project.

The trip was very intense, with going out on thursday nigth and coming back on friday nigth.  Thanks to my collegue ing.
Michele Fiorentin
o we also visited Museo
Galleria Ferrari
which clearly excited the students who could drive some of the newest spot cars with an additional cost --- they did not mind, since it is an unique experience, and the company had put some nice attractive blondes from Russia and Brasil to make it more attractive.

The workshop was intense and instructive, with presentation from both collegues from MilleChili Lab on optimization, crash, fatigue on chassis, general issues on chassis design, etc.  My students also presented some early work, thanks to our courses my
new YouTube channel course "Mechanics of Materials" (italian)
and the success of this year's FACEBOOK-BASED courses - "Mechanics of materials and
Machine Design", and "FEM in mechanical design"

More details will come from the students, but here I post some images. Videos will follow.

Here is for example my own presentation "The seven F --- Friction, Fatigue, Fracture, Fretting, Fractals, Facebook...all Functional to Ferrari!"


Photos from Modena e Maranello 21-05-2010
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In this photo: Enrico
Fabrizio Leone  Mike




Added by Donatella

to the group "Modena e
Maranello 21-05-2010


  Thanks to the dean of Modena engineering faculty prof. Cantore, to my Rector Costantino for financial support and all the 50 students to attend and behave well despite the enthusiasm and the risk of driving fast Ferrari's cars!

  There is a facebook group created by the students with many photos and comments  Back to
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Davvero un grande evento......big event....

Great experience...I don't know how many times I'll still see so many Ferrari and be able to touch the engines with my hands. Very interesting were the topics on optimization, design and crash tests shown by the students of Modena and presented by Baldini. Not to mention the bus trip with friends and professors Ciavarella and Fiorentino...

THE FIRST ONE REALISTIC EXPERIENCE!! ... for us, post graduated students, and not, of Politecnico di Bari; I really hope, it will be not the last technical and constructive realizations.. . Thanks to Prof. Mike Ciavarella.

Philip Bradascio's picture

Sensational event

Mike Ciavarella's picture

My dear students, thanks for compliments on the organization of the events!

However, I have to play the bad guy here, and remind you to post the videos of the presentations you made -- don't be shy, the imechanicians are mostly students, and will be understanding with you ....



Michele Ciavarella, Politecnico di BARI - Italy, Rector's delegate.
Editor, Italian Science Debate,
Associate Editor, Ferrari Millechili Journal,

Mike Ciavarella's picture

This is the intro on the Visual Crash Studio software on crash - impact simulation by 3rd year student Phil Brad


which is a software based on Tomasz Wierzbicki's group work at MIT on crash and impact.

Tom being one of our members of the Ferrari MilleChili journal, kindly sent us an academic licence of the Crash-Cad, software which can be obtained via Impact
Design Warsaw office. (

It's based on simple theories, not on a full impact using FEM.  Indeed, from is manual "The macro-element method
in general and Visual Crash Studio modeling procedures in particular are very
much different from common practice utilized in standard FE modeling. 
example, the underlying paradigm of VCS ‘the smaller number of
macro-elements the better results’ is an absolute inverse of its FE
 “the denser the mesh the better results”. 



Of course the video is in italian... 

Perhaps easier to follow the powerpoint presentation, which has some bizzarre Beethoven music... for some reason. Students Phil Brad, Ciro Caesar, and Andy Life.



Michele Ciavarella, Politecnico di BARI - Italy, Rector's delegate.
Editor, Italian Science Debate,
Associate Editor, Ferrari Millechili Journal,

andrea_vita's picture

andrea_vita's picture

andrea_vita's picture

Mike Ciavarella's picture


when you suggested to buy books, and I told you that my students would rather pay 100 Eu for a new pair of sunglasses, I was rigth!

In the trip to Ferrari lab in Modena, many of them didn't have any problem to pay 40 Eu to pay for 10 min in a relatively not new Ferrari, or 100 Eu in a brand new one, but don't ask them to buy a book!   ;)


See the proof here.



Michele Ciavarella, Politecnico di BARI - Italy, Rector's delegate.
Editor, Italian Science Debate,
Associate Editor, Ferrari Millechili Journal,

 Link al video "Analisi dello squeal nei freni con Ansys" presentato da Giovanni Ferrari a Modena

Mike Ciavarella's picture

This is taken from


QR Damped Modal Analysis [PDF]


Sheldon Imaoka (CSI)


Presentation on different damped eigenvalue extraction methods in ANSYS, focusing on the newer QR Damped method.
Input files in zip format


Average Rating: 10.0 (10 votes)  



Michele Ciavarella, Politecnico di BARI - Italy, Rector's delegate.
Editor, Italian Science Debate,
Associate Editor, Ferrari Millechili Journal,

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