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question about Gurson model

I have a question regarding Gurson model. If we have a cube with initial length of unit and initial porosity of 20 percent and compress it hydrostatically in order to have a huge volume change of cube, the void growth equation in Gurson model takes a negative rate and reduces the void volume fraction to zero first and further compressing leads to no further void volume fraction change (remains zero) and no more plastic straining. Now let's load the model in tensile hydrostatic state up to a stress free configuration; the void volume fraction of the model remains zero. My question here is that is this result consistent with the continuum damage mechanics model. I mean does this result mean that the material defect has been repaired by the plastic straining in compression?



When f0 becomes zero, then there is no void "seed" any more in the model. This is why f0 will keep zero when tension is applied later.

I guess, If you set a threshold: namely under compression, when f0 decreases to a very small value, e.g. 10E-4, then keep f0 be this value and don't let f0 further decrease. Then you do tensile test, I guess now you will find void growth in the pre-compressed specimen.




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