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The UMAT problem with no strain and stress

atefe.geramian's picture


I have written a UMAT subroutin. When I run, the job completes succssefully. But when I try to see results from the ODB files, I get the following error:

"The selected primary variable is not available in the current frame for any elements in the current display group"

I have tried to select the stress, strain and magnitude and all not available. Could anybody help me?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,

Plain text icon umat.txt6.76 KB


Emilio Martínez Pañeda's picture

Dear Atefe Geramian

You should be able to visualize the stress components. However, notice that you will never be able to visualize the strain components, among other variables, because they are not assigned to any variable in the subroutine that is given back to ABAQUS. You will need to store them in the STATEV variables for that. 

You can find more information regarding this issues in the documentation.

Best regards,

Emilio Martínez Pañeda

SIMUMECAMAT Research group


atefe.geramian's picture

Dear Emilio Martinez

Thanks for your response.

But I dont undrerstand your meaning exactly. I attach my UMAT file perhaps you can help me.  

ammar alsheghri's picture

Try to check the values in your input file. I faced the same error because I entered a value of zero for stiffness by mistake. 

ammar alsheghri's picture

Try to check the values in your input file. I faced the same error because I entered a value of zero for stiffness by mistake. 

atefe.geramian's picture

Dear all,

I attached my UMAT subroutin. Could anybody help me now?


There might be multiple reasons for this problem. Please use some WRITE statements and see whether you get proper numbers for the variables that are updated inside UMAT. If the variables returned back to abaqus from UMAT such as STRESS, DDSDDE, STATEV etc by chance turns (NAN) inside the subroutine, then there is probability that these errors come. 

"The selected primary variable is not available in the current frame for any elements in the current display group"

Thanks and Regards,


Frank Richter's picture

It might be helpful to know what model you want to code.

Mind that


is a test that works exclusively if statev(4) is an integer.


Study these chapters in the manual (section numbers depend on release of your Abaqus !):


Testing and debugging
When developing user subroutines, test them thoroughly on smaller examples in which the user
subroutine is the only complicated aspect of the model before attempting to use them in production
analysis work.
If needed, debug output can be written to the ABAQUS/Standard message (.msg) file using
FORTRAN unit 7 or to the ABAQUS/Standard data (.dat) file or the ABAQUS/Explicit status (.sta)
file using FORTRAN unit 6; these units should not be opened by your routines since they are already
opened by ABAQUS.
FORTRAN units 15 through 18 or units greater than 100 can be used to read or write other userspecified
information. The use of other FORTRAN units may interfere with ABAQUS file operations;
see “FORTRAN unit numbers used by ABAQUS,” Section 3.6.1. You must open these FORTRAN units;
and because of the use of scratch directories, the full pathname for the file must be used in the OPEN

Abaqus uses the FORTRAN unit numbers outlined in the table below. Unless noted otherwise, you should not try to write to these FORTRAN units from user subroutines.
For Abaqus/Standard, you should specify unit numbers 15–18 or unit numbers greater than 100 .
For Abaqus/Explicit, specify units 16–18 or unit numbers greater than 100 ending in 5 to 9, e.g. 105, 268, etc. You cannot write to the.sta file.

Here is an example to write to a self-defined file:

IF (condition fulfilled) THEN
   write(15,*) TIME(2), RPL

I do not remember right now if 'Exp.rpl' is to be preceded by the full path to the file.

To write to the log file:
IF (condition fulfilled) THEN
    print*, NDI

Good luck


atefe.geramian's picture

Thanks for your valuable response.

The model I want to code it, is a model for sand (IMAM model). and If the soil be isotropic the STATEV(4) will be zero.

I hope that I can to solve my problem by your response.

Good Luck


Frank Richter's picture


in your code replace all TAB with spaces !

Try to get advice from the ABAQUS mailing list

This is a moderated list, any posting will be forwarded to subscribers with a delay.

Good luck


ammar alsheghri's picture

Try to check the values in your input file. I faced the same error because I entered a value of zero for stiffness by mistake. 

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