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Material Orientation UMAT



I have a bicrystal with 2 material orientations in Euler Angles. How do I assign them to my Abaqus Input file? I am using Dr Huang's code for CP. After going through several forums, I understood that I have to create a card with *ORIENTATION entry.

This is what I am trying to do:

Its not quite clear to me. Could anyone please please simplify and explain how I could do the same? Thanks a lot!

Soud Choudhury's picture

Option 1:If you only want to work with two types of grain orientations only, and you have very few grains, then you can just make two materials with different names but with only different initial orientation cards. And then write the code in such a way that it will check for the material name first and then will assign material model parameters accordingly. It is easy but time consuming way.

Option 2 :As, Dr. Huang's code defines grain orientation with respect to global orientation, if you can assign different global orientation at different grains then, it should impose different grain orientation. You can create grains by partition and assign different global orientation. You just have to assign global orientation carefully. Local grain orientation will be taken according to your given initial orientation in the code.

Please, first , try with only two grains. Then if the analysis become successful, then go for bigger model. This way, you can save alot of time.

Best of Luck !! Happy Researching !!

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