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SIF analytic Solution (Mode I and/or II) for Tubes

jorgegdiaz's picture

I was wondering if anyone knows of an analytic Solution for KI and/or KII in tubes.

I´ve seen an infinite number of equations, shape functions, FEM simulations, standards, etc. But one closed solution for tubes?, an analog to Williams series but for cilindirical surfaces?

I am trying to fit experimental displacement data to Williams series. I´ve done it succesfully for flat specimens (kind of easy actually). But now, we have to do the same for tubes. When cracks are long, you can´t approximate the tube surface to an infinite plate anymore.

Is it dead end?

m_rahman's picture

You should look at the book "Stress Intensity Factors Handbook, Pergamon Press, 1988" by H. Murakami. It is a very comprehensive book -- lot more comprehensive than Tada's book. However, there are two caveats. First, it contains SIF solutions that were available in the literature before 1988. Secondly, it does not reflect bulk of the contributions of the researchers from the former Soviet Union. To compensate for the latter, you may wish to take a look at the 4-volume handbooks "Mechanics of Fracture & Strength of Materials, Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1988" by V. V. Panasiuk et al. Of course, you will need to have a working knowledge of Russian to be able to understand the contents of these books.

Good luck!

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m_rahman's picture

An additional point ... If you are looking for an analytical solution to this, it may not simply exist. The complexities of the problem may not allow such a solution. But, I believe you can apply some kind of approximate approaches, such as, an interpolation scheme that attempts to find an analytical solution of such a problem by using the solutions of two "extreme" cases (e.g. "very short" and "very long" cracks). The approach is very similar to Neuber's interpolation scheme for finding stress concentration factors (Kt) for notches based on Kt's for shallow and deep notches.

jorgegdiaz's picture

thanks. I ´ll look into that handbook.
What I´m trying to do to solve the problem is a transformation from plane to cilinder surface coordinates.

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