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use of CINT command for J integral calculation of 3d model with ansys

I used for the first time the CINT command with ansys, and I get strange results:

negative values

very different values for 2 adjacent nodes on the crack front

non converging values (values fluctuating from 1 contour to another, going up and down)

Also, i don't know what are the units of the J integral (I am using SI units, dimensions in mm ).  It's important to know so I can calculate the SIF

How can I know what contour gives the best result? what are the units of the Jintegral in the SI.

Anybody have some information for me?






jorgegdiaz's picture

Well, by now Im sure you succeded in your calculation. But jsut for future reference I´ll give my 2 cents.


Check you coordinate system. It has be the same way equations were derived with.




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