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Mechanical response and texture evolution in magnesium alloy

Amit Pandey's picture


In order to study the behavior of material under finite deformation at various strain rates, the responses of previous termAZ31next term
Mg sheet are measured under uniaxial (tension and compression) and
multiaxial (simple shear) loadings along rolling direction (RD), 45° to
rolling direction (DD), 90° to rolling direction (TD), and normal to the
sheet (ND) to large strains.

Texture measurements on several failed
specimens are reported under tension and simple shear after finite
plastic deformation of about 20% equivalent strain. The as-received
material exhibits a strong fiber with equal fractions of grains having
the c-axis slightly tilted away from the sheet normal towards
both +RD and −RD.

Pole figures obtained after tensile loading along the
rolling direction (RD) show that the texture of the material strengthens
even at low strains, with c-axis perpendicular to the sheet
plane and prism planes lining up in a majority of grains. However, the
tensile loading axis along TD does not lead to similar texture
strengthening; the c-axis distribution appears to be virtually
unchanged from the virgin state. The pole figures obtained after
in-plane compression along RD brings the c-axes of the grains parallel to the loading direction. The pole figures after simple shear loading show that the c-axis rotates to lie on the sheet plane consistent with a compression axis 45° away on the sheet plane.


Mechanical response and texture evolution of AZ31 alloy at large strains for different strain rates and temperatures
International Journal of Plasticity, Volume 27, Issue 5, May 2011, Pages 688-706
Akhtar S. Khan, Amit Pandey, Thomas Gnäupel-Herold, Raja K. Mishra


Shunlai.Zang's picture

Many thanks!

Amit Pandey's picture

the link is now working



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