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Marie Curie IEF & IIF

sondipon's picture

I am interested in applying for Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) and Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowships (IIF). These are highly prestigious two-year fellowships (with average salary ~£50k/year):

The deadline is 11 August 2011.IEF is for researchers outside the European Union and IIF is for researchers within the European Union. My areas of interest include:
1. Stochastic multiscale method
2. Polynomial chaos and spectral methods
3. Stochastic dynamical systems

If you are interested in any of these areas or related areas please contact me with your CV ( Typically I am looking for researchers within four years from the completion of PhD. Applicants must have an excellent track record of publications in the area of the proposed work.

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