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Help in ABAQUS

Dear all,
In my FE model (pin on disc), I would like to define a contact property between pin and disc with a friction defination available in ABAQUS. I have assumed that friction coefficient depends on parameters like slip rate, pressure and temperature only. When i used friction coefficients with slip rate and pressure, model works without any error but if i use friction coefficients with slip rate, pressure and temperature, the model doesn't work and come up with following errors;

"Error in job Job-1: Internal error in look-up table generation.  Check that dataline entries are sufficient to describe the dependence in all independent variables"

Can anyone please help me to get rid of error?

Here is the data:

Fric-coeff     slip rate        pressure          temperature

0.3                  0                 0              81.65703462
0.292           15.39         46.2052         101.7848097
0.2868         28.481       85.57908        117.7968785
0.2751         57.93575    174.17031      150.2004102
0.2651         83.11075     249.88931      174.2178209
0.25            121.125       364.225         204.774375
0.2366        154.8595     465.68846       226.8902708
0.2199      196.90175     592.13919       249.0339965
0.2048      234.916        706.47488       264.9911673
0.1898      272.6785       820.05338      278.1022568
0.173       314.9725       947.2613         290.8268618
0.158       352.735        1060.8398        301.5811825
0.1395      399.30875     1200.91995      315.6522623
0.1211     445.63075      1340.24291      332.3359201
0.1061     483.39325      1453.82141       349.2518753
0.08766   529.81595      1593.447246     375.7641023
0.07428    563.5001      1694.759268      399.9690184
0.06092    597.1339       1795.919852     429.1325001
0.04924    626.5383      1884.359644       459.2930505
0.03592    660.0714       1985.217352      499.6532161
0.02931    676.712075     2035.267611     522.2546893
0.02271    693.327575    2085.242151       546.6431751

Thanking you in advance for your help.


dr. parimal maity

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