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Initial Training Network (FP7) position in Computational Mechanics at CENAERO, Belgium
Marie Curie Fellows in Computational Mechanics
Cenaero has an opening for a position under an EU Marie-Curie
Initial Training Network (Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN) on "Integrating
Numerical Simulation and Geometric Design Technology" (INSIST).
The objective of our proposed research is the
development and implementation of the next generation design/simulation
methods. The key outcome of this research is a system/methodology that
allows the analysis, simulation and design of engineering products in a
more efficient way, reducing costs and offering the unique opportunity
for European CAD and CAE companies being ranked in first place. This
project aims to extend the IA concept of Hughes and co-workers who
focused on the unification of CAD and CAE whereas we aim to generalize
this idea to unify pre-processing (in general) and analysis; in this
sense all our methods are Isogeometric since they exploit the shape
functions to discretize the design model also in the context of
numerical analysis (the simulation model). Another main advantage of the
proposed generalized isogeometric analysis is its wide applicability.
This requires a strong collaboration between universities and companies,
which is reflected in the composition of our team.
The research programme is structured into 4 main sub-programmes
addressing the most urgent issues in the generation and development of
efficient design and simulation models:
• Programme A: CAD Feature Processing (2 projects).
• Programme B: Pre-Processing and Mesh generation (4 projects).
• Programme C: Numerical Analysis/CAE (6 projects).
• Programme M: Voxel based analysis (1 project).
The candidates must have less than 4 years of research experience after
the Master's degree. We endeavor to ensure a fair female representation
by promoting equal access opportunities between men and women, and
explicitly encourage women to apply.
Nr of positions available : 1
Career Stage
Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)
Research Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Comment/web site for additional job details
University Partners
Johannes Kepler University - Linz
Cardiff University
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
Industrial Partners
Associated University Partners
University of California-San Diego
Carnegie Mellon University
Associated Industrial Partners
Numerical Geometry Ltd
Eligibility requirements to the Marie-Curie ITN program include that the
candidates have not spent more than 12 months in Belgium in the 3 years
immediately preceding the appointment for this position.
Application e-mail
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