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Theofilopoulos Foivos, Safety and Reliability Engineering

Foivos Theofilopoulos's picture


1. Concentrating for a moment, node/13345#comment-21266

2. ideas of a newcomer, node/13475#comment-21173

3. I could not agree more with, node/13535#comment-21199

4. Quoting William's original post, node/13474#comment-21254

5. Quoting William's original post (cont), node/13474#comment-21255

6. The problem with, node/13591#comment-21426

7. I don't like where this is going..., node/13481#comment-21176

8. An important sidenote, node/13485#comment-21262

9. It all comes down to resources, node/13420#comment-21428

10. In my opinion, the human, node/13301#comment-21407

11. Ryan, you make a very, node/13577#comment-21317

12. Topic 35: A different approach to the basic R = P x C formula, node/13458

13. a basic example, node/13563#comment-21198

14. Coming from a country where, node/13458#comment-21228

15. My take on the value of human life, node/13662#comment-22535

16. Definitely iMechanica, node/13688#comment-22582

17. Routine tasks as method of decision-making pt.1, node/13705#comment-22584

18. Routine tasks as method of decision-making pt.2. node/13705#comment-22585

19. My take on ergonomics, node/13785#comment-23139 

20. Being a diver myself, I take this matter very seriously, node/13825#comment-23142

21. Focus on the Human Factors pt.1, node/13805#comment-23326 

22. Focus on the Human Factors pt.2, node/13805#comment-23336  



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