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ASME-AMD Summer Meeting 2013: Dynamic Stability of Structural Systems

Dear Colleague:

The 2013 summer meeting of ASME Applied Mechanics Division will be held jointly with the Society of Engineering Science at Brown University, Providence, RI, July 28-31. We are pleased to invite you to a session on Dynamic Stability of Structural Systems, under the symposium on Instability in Solids and Structures that is being organized by the AMD Technical Committee.

Participation requires just the submission of an abstract by April 1, 2013 (see details at .)

The stability symposium is listed under Mechanics of Solids and Structures. 

Please upload even a tentative abstract, as you will have the opportunity in the next several weeks to finalize your contribution. Please let us know by return e-mail ( of your contribution or inability to participate so that you do not get reminders.

We look forward to your participation at the SES 50th Annual Technical Meeting and the 2013 ASME-AMD Annual Summer Meeting.

Deepak Trivedi
Session Organizer

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