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TMS- 2015 CALL FOR ABSTRACT (Symposium on Advances in Thin Films for Electronics and Photonics)
2015 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
in Thin Films for Electronics and Photonics
Functional Materials Division (formerly EMPMD)
TMS: Thin Films and Interfaces Committee
Federico Rosei, INRS
Nuggehalli M Ravindra, New
Jersey Institute of Technology
Amit Pandey, Rolls Royce LG
Fuel Cell Systems Inc.
Terry L Alford, Arizona State
the past few years, significant progress has been reported on the synthesis
as well as on the structural, physical and chemical characterization of
self-organized thin films, including for example III/V semiconductors, metal
oxides and novel glass based materials. Such materials are being increasingly
studied for applications in electronics and photonics.
When grown in nanostructured form (with sizes in the range of 1-100 nm),
these systems exhibit size-dependent properties. These advanced materials systems
are leading to fundamental new discoveries as well as applications in
Photovoltaics, Optical sources, Electroceramics, Multi-ferroic materials,
Catalysis and Solar Hydrogen.
This symposium focuses on the synthesis, structural and functional characterization
of self-organized materials thin films and nanostructures for applications in
electronics and photonics, with particular consideration given to the
capability to tailor and control material properties via structural
modifications. In addition, we will also consider new nanotechnology tools
and technological procedures used for the development of functional devices
that integrate bottom-up and top-down technologies.
Proposed Session Topics include the following:
- Multi-functional materials
- Thin Films and Nanostructured materials for photonics, including laser
sources, nonlinear optics, photovoltaics and solar fuels
- Thin Films and Nanostructured materials for electronics, including sensing
Abstracts Due
Proceedings Plan
- Amit Pandey's blog
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