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3D finite element modeling for instabilities in thin films on soft substrates

Fan Xu's picture

Xu, F., Potier-Ferry, M., Belouettar, S., Cong, Y.,

International Journal of Solids and Structures (2014), doi:



Spatial pattern formation in stiff thin films on compliant substrates is investigated based on a nonlinear 3D finite element model. Typical post-bifurcation patterns include 1D sinusoidal, checkerboard and herringbone shapes, with possible spatial modulations, boundary effects and localizations. The post-buckling behavior often leads to intricate response curves with several secondary bifurcations that were rarely studied and only in the case of periodic cells. The proposed finite element procedure allows accurately describing these bifurcation portraits by taking into account the effect of boundary conditions. It relies on the Asymptotic Numerical Method (ANM) that offers considerable advantages to get a robust path-following technique and to detect multiple bifurcations. The occurrence and evolution of sinusoidal, checkerboard and herringbone patterns will be highlighted.

Keywords: Wrinkling; Post-buckling; Bifurcation; Thin film; Herringbone pattern; Path-following technique.

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