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Post-doctoral position at Purdue University in computational modeling of biomineralized materials

Pablo Zavattieri's picture

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the Computational Multi-Scale Materials Modeling Lab in the Lyles School of Civil Engineering at Purdue University to work with a multidisciplinary/multiuniversity team in the area of modeling of biomineralized and bio-inspired materials. The goal of the program is to uncover fundamental design rules and develop simple and basic scientific foundations for the predictable design of bio-inspired materials that are light-weight, tough and strong.  The successful candidate will participate in a vibrant multi-disciplinary research group in collaboration with groups in the University of California, Riverside, San Diego, Berkeley and Northwestern Univ. to elucidate hundreds of millions of years of evolutionary changes in plant and animal species to understand structures and physical mechanisms that underpin the micro- and nanomechanics of tough, strong structures. We will incorporate comparative analyses of multiscale structures to pinpoint which design principles are evolutionarily unique solutions and which have arisen convergently; when more than one evolutionary path arrives at the same solution, we have a good indication that it is the best solution.

Qualifications Desired: Expertise in the areas of computational material modeling and experience in programming is preferred. A successful candidate is expected to have a strong background in mechanics of materials. Prior experience with atomistic to continuum calculations and/or some experimental experience is a plus.

This position requires:

  1. A Ph.D. in engineering, materials science or physics
  2. Working experience in at least two of the following areas: finite elements, fracture models, molecular/quantum mechanics, experimental characterization, modeling of biological and biomimetic composites.
  3. Excellent interpersonal skills and strong oral and written communication skills are mandatory. Self-motivated, ability to work independently and willingness to work in a multidisciplinary team.
  4.  Excellent publication record.

The position is available immediately for a period of one year and may be renewed thereafter.  Actual start date is negotiable.  Applications will be reviewed immediately and continue to be accepted until the positions are filled.  Interested candidates should submit a CV, a cover letter describing their research experience and interests, and the names and email addresses of at least three references to Prof. Pablo Zavattieri (

For additional information, please contact

Pablo D. Zavattieri

Associate Professor

Lyles School of Civil Engineering

550 Stadium Mall Drive

Purdue University

West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051



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