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Introduction to Simpleware, CEA Grenoble, June 10, 2015

Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Time: 1:00 - 6:00 pm 

Location: Amphithéâtre Accueil du CEA Grenoble (Entrée 1 / Bâtiment A2 / Pièce 205) - Pôlygone Scientifique - 17, rue des Martyrs – GRENOBLE

This technical seminar is aimed at those interested in visualising, measuring, and meshing of 3D image data to generate 3D Printing, CAD, and Finite Element Models for leading solvers including Comsol Multiphysics. We will demonstrate the ease of obtaining high fidelity meshes from 3D image data, discuss new features of the latest version, and will show the workflow of processing and meshing image data for a variety of applications such as Aerospace, Oil & Gas, Consumer Products, Automotive, and Medical Devices.

Attend this event to learn how to:

Visualise and process data from a wide range of imaging modalities (e.g. CT, MicroCT, MRI...)

Obtain measurements and statistics such as porosity, volume, fracture dimensions...

Import and position CAD files in the image data

Calculate effective material properties of scanned samples

Directly export to all leading FE/CFD solvers, e.g. Comsol, Ansys, Abaqus...

Bring your own data:

Attendees are also encouraged to send in their image data to get personalised support during the Q&A session. All data will be treated confidentially, and a secure FTP site will be available before the seminar.

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