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PhD Candidate Positions in Analysis of Composite Structures at University of Hannover

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Two Ph.D. candidate positions are available at the Institute of Structural Analysis (ISD) of Leibniz Universität Hannover within the H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Training Network project FULLCOMP - FULLy integrated analysis, design, manufacturing and health-monitoring of COMPosite structures.


Topic 1: Failure analysis of composite structures through global-local methods

Topic 2: Reduced-order models and probabilistic analysis for nonlinear structural analysis of composite structures


Information on these positions and how to apply can be found at


The section “Composites” of the ISD is active in various national and international research projects on the numerical analysis of composite materials and composite structures. Activities cover both the area of material failure, joint analysis and computer-aided material development and the area of structural failure, stability and dynamics,

Information  on  further  PhD candidate  and Postdoc positions  available at the ISD can be found at



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