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PostDoctoral Position - Universities Paris 7 & Paris 13 , Paris, France

yann.charles's picture

A 14 months post Doctoral position is avalaible on mechanical and numerical modeling fields. This is a join project between Univ. Paris 7 (ITODYS lab)  & Paris 13 (LSPM lab).

The present postdoc subject is focussed on dislocation dynamics computation in Al. crystals.

More details in the enclosed pdf description file.

Contacts :
Dr. S. Queyreau (+33) 1 49 40 34 90, sylvain.queyreau(at)
Dr. Y. Charles (+33) 1 49 40 34 61, yann.charles(at)
Dr. M. Seydou (+33) 1 57 27 83 38, mahamadou.seydou(at)

PDF icon PostDoc_Meso_MMEMI-UP13.pdf164.25 KB
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