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PhD openings in Aerospace Engineering at UIUC (2016 spring/fall)

Haoran Wang's picture


The computational nano and micromechanics group under the direction of Prof. Huck Beng Chew is looking for interested Ph.D. applicants for study in the general area of mechanics of materials. The focus of our group has been in the use of multi-scale modeling and simulations to elucidate interesting and unexplained phenomena in both contemporary and traditional materials physics problems. These problems often reside at the intersection of physics, chemistry, mechanics, and materials science, and require the use of a combination of multi-scale simulation tools ranging from density functional theory, molecular dynamics, and meso-scale finite element methods. Specific problems currently of interests include, but are not limited to, (a) predictive design of interfaces in nanostructured and/or hierarchical materials, (b) mechanics of polymer-based nanocomposites, and (c) the patterning and nano-manufacturing of atomic-layer structures (e.g. Graphene).

Interested candidates should contact Prof. Chew at . While not required, a M.S. Degree focusing on solid mechanics or related major is preferred. Please refer to  for the department's policy on Ph.D. applications.


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