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New York Times tears down the pay wall of TimesSelect

Zhigang Suo's picture

While I have been traveling, writing papers, and submitting proposals for the last few months, I have not been keeping up with readings.  Just notice today an old news:  News York Times has just made even more content free online.  For example, without subscription you can read columns of Tom Friedman, the author of The World is Flat.  You can make links to them to share with other people.  For example, his column today is titled 9/11 Is Over

When will we be able to link to our own papers published in journals? 


Teng Li's picture

Tom Friedman is my favorite columnist, not just because he is a "foreign affairs" columnist for NY Time, but his sharp visions on many issues at global level.  Here is a video
from a live presentation that Thomas Friedman
gave on The World Is Flat at an MIT
OpenCourseWare on May 16, 2005, just after he published this best seller book.


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