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Masonry modeling in Abaqus

eng.femiran's picture

here we are to tell you how we can model masonry in abaqus cae.
there are 3 ways:
1-micro modeling
2- macro modeling
3- micro-macro modeling(HOMOGENIZATION)
micro modeling; 
in this method all parts should be modeled in abaqus separately.
but notice that don't use shell to modeling grout because of 3d properties of grout and cohesive characteristics.
this method is suitable for small masonry panels with 2-3 layers of brick.
model all parts and give properties to each one. in assembly model assemble those parts and give cohesive interface and normal and frictional properties to join between brick and mortar.


macro modeling
In this method there is no grout modeling,and it is suitable for 3d masonry buildings with plans and more walls.
in this way first of all you should obtain a properties of macro wall by verifying a small model in micro to calibrate properties.

micro-macro modeling(HOMOGENIZATION)
in this method you should model just blocks or bricks and put them together to assemble the wall,but there is no mortar,instead thickness of mortar added to brick dimension and the properties of mortar can be given by cohesive this article below:



wath these video:

collapse of masonry wall with opening to lateral loading by abaqus


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