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Travel Fellowships to ICTAM 2008

Nanshu Lu's picture

U.S. National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Travel Fellowships to ICTAM 2008

The U.S. National
Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNC/TAM) announces
that a limited amount of funds will be available for fellowships for
those presenting papers at the 22nd International Congress on
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM) to be held in Adelaide,
Australia, August 24-30, 2008 (
 It is anticipated that each award will be a maximum of $2,500.  The
total number of awards available is not known at this time.

The award criteria are:
i) the awardee will be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident,
ii) the awardee will be an author (or co-author) of an accepted paper, and
iii) only one author per paper may receive an award.
will be given to early career faculty.  The ranking of the applications
will be based on the quality of the abstract and extended summary
Individuals who have submitted papers for consideration to ICTAM may
submit an application for a USNC/TAM fellowship.  An application form
for the fellowship can be found on the web site:
 The form, the applicant's abstract, AND extended summary must be submitted together electronically to USNC/TAM.  The deadline for receipt of applications is January 31, 2008.

Decisions regarding fellowships will be announced after final decisions
on paper acceptance have been made by ICTAM 2008 (by end of May 2008). Each
fellowship recipient will pay for his or her own travel expenses and
registration. The awards will be made before the congress upon
confirmation of acceptance of the fellowship and intended attendance at
the congress.  Within two months after the congress, awardees will
provide a trip report of their activities at the congress.  The trip
report will summarize their view of how they benefited from attending
the congress, and their general impression of the congress.

For more information, contact Carl Herakovich, USNC/TAM secretary ( or Ester Sztein, USNC/TAM staff officer (

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