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Computational Biomechanics for Medicine XII Workshop: call for papers (deadline: June 16)
Computational Biomechanics for Medicine XIIA MICCAI 2017 Workshop, Quebec City, Canada, 2017 September 14
Quebec City, Canada
The MICCAI Computational Biomechanics for Medicine Workshops are held annualy in conjunction with the MICCAI International Conferences on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention
Important dates:
- Deadline for paper submission: June 16, 2017
- Notification of acceptance: July 14, 2017
- Final version of papers submitted: August 04, 2017
- Workshop: September 14, 2017
The following computational mechanics disciplines will be included:
1. Computational solid mechanics
2. Computational multibody systems kinematics and dynamics
3. Computational fluid mechanics
4. Computational thermodynamics (e.g. heat transfer, radiation)
We solicit papers that use methods of computational biomechanics in the following application areas:
- Medical image analysis
- Image-guided surgery and image-guide therapies
- Surgical simulation
- Surgical intervention planning
- Surgical technique development
- Disease prognosis and diagnosis
- Injury mechanism analysis
- Surgical aid design
- Artificial organs
- Implant and prostheses design
- Medical robotics
- Tissue engineering
- Understanding of embryonic development
- Understanding of aging
Invited speakers:
Prof. David Hawkes
Director of the Centre for Medical Image Computing, University College London, United Kingdom
Prof. Sid Fels
Director of the Media and Graphics Interdisciplinary Centre, Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia, Canada
Submissions should include CBM XII in the subject line and the author's first name and family name in the filename. Papers should be emailed (in .pdf format) to Prof. Poul Nielsen: by 2017 June 16. Full workshop papers will be carefully refereed. Participants will receive electronic versions of the papers on the day of the workshop. Paper proceedings will be published by Springer NY. The authors of the best papers presented at the Computational Biomechanics for Medicine XII Workshop may be requested to submit an extended version of their papers to the special section of a premier biomedical engineering journal (the journal to be decided at a later date). Springer NY will also fund the 'Best Paper' prize.
Submission Format - see the CBM XII Worksop webpage
Poul M.F. Nielsen, The University of Auckland,
Adam Wittek, The University of Western Australia,
Karol Miller, The University of Western Australia,
Barry Doyle, The University of Western Australia,
Grand Joldes, The University of Western Australia,
Martyn Nash, The University of Auckland,
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