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Simpleware Workshop in Seattle, Jan 24th

Join us at the University of Washington, Seattle, on Wednesday January 24th (1.30pm-4.30pm) for a free workshop on obtaining high-fidelity models from 3D image data.


1:30 - 1:40 PM Registration & Refreshments

1:40 - 2:40 PM Introduction to Image-based Model Generation with Simpleware

  • Discover what the Simpleware software suite can do for you!
  • Get an overview of the tools to visualise and process your 3D image data
  • Import and integrate CAD models within your image data
  • Learn how to turn images and parts into high quality multi-part models
  • Export models models directly to CAD, FE/CFD solvers and 3D printing
  • Discuss example workflows and the best filters and tools for your own application

2:40 - 3:00 PM Demo of the Simpleware Software Suite

  • Experience first-hand how quick and easy it is to process your 3D image data!
  • See some of the Simpleware key features including segmentation tools and filters

3:00 - 4:30 PM Hands-on Tutorial*

  • Try the full Simpleware software suite!
  • Follow a software tutorial covering your area of applications
  • Bring your own data to get personalised help with your workflow
  • Start you trial and work with our Simpleware Support team to develop your workflow

* To participate in the hands-on session you will need to bring a 64-bit Windows laptop with the Simpleware software installed.

Learn more about registering here:

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