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Data-driven Biomechanics Simulations: Marie Curie Innovative Training Network RAINBOW announces 15 PhD positions open: Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions for outstanding candidates

  • Candidates will be working as part of the Rapid Biomechanics Simulation for Personalized Clinical Design (RAINBOW) MSCA European Training Network, awarded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. The network consists of 5 universities, 1 hospital, 8 industrial partners, located in Denmark, Spain, Luxembourg, England, France and Germany. The purpose of the network is to educate 15 ESRs through common dedicated training activities and research stays. The RAINBOW research objective is to realize the full potential of computational medicine and ICT to arrive at patient-specific simulation models that are rapidly set, are easy-to-use by clinical experts and do not require assistance from technicians. Candidates will be exposed to clinical practice and get close to patients and clinical experts while working both with theory and creating software, design tools, to be used by clinical experts

  • ESR1 Hip Growth Simulator (University of Copenhagen, DK)
  • ESR2 Hip Growth Simulator (Hvidovre Hospital, DK)
  • ESR3 Dynamic Jaw Simulator (3Shape, DK)
  • ESR4 Real-Time Physically-based Registration of Pre- and Intra Operative Medical Images (University of Copenhagen, DK)
  • ESR5 The Spinal Muscle Simulator (Aalborg University, DK)
  • ESR6 Breast Modelling and Simulation for Better Cancer Treatment (University of Luxembourg, LU)
  • ESR7 Spine Inverse Modelling for Scoliosis Brace Design (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, ES)
  • ESR8 Biological Membrane Cutting and Tearing Simulation within Clinical Time Scales with Application to Cataract Surgery (University of Luxembourg, LU)
  • ESR9 Interactive Optimization-based Design of Cardiovascular Devices (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, ES)
  • ESR10 Optimization-Based Fusion of Surgical Planning Data for Intraoperative Navigation (GMV, ES)
  • ESR11 Surgical Planning through Hands-on Medical Image Editing (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, ES)
  • ESR12 Goal-oriented Error Controlled Super and Sub-geometric Finite and Boundary Element Methods for Patient-Specific Simulation of Cutting (Synopsys – Simpleware Product Group, UK)
  • ESR13 Identifying Patient Specific Material Models and Parameters using Adjoint-based Inverse Modelling Approaches: Model Selection and Parameter Identification on Phantom Gels (University of Luxembourg, LU)
  • ESR14 Meta Modelling for Soft Tissue Contact and Cutting Simulation (Cardiff University, UK)
  • ESR15 Baysian Geometrical Uncertainty Quantification for Soft Tissue Biomechanics Simulations (Synopsys – Simpleware Product Group, UK)
  • Starting date is 1 September 2018 or as soon as possible thereafter. Appointment is for a period of 36 months, includes enrollment in a Doctorate program and is expected to lead to a PhD dissertation. The scholarships requires a Master's degree in Computer Science or a field providing equivalent qualifications, at the time of taking up the position.

    Further details on each position, requirements and submission of application via the hosting institution’s specific job add. Individual job adds available at

    Benefits: The ESRs will be employed by the host institution and have the benefits provided for in the MSCA-ITN early career fellowship regulations, including a competitive remuneration (exact salary will be calculated per country and will contemplate living and mobility allowances and possibly family allowances). They will receive scientific skills in biomechanics simulation and computational medicine and specialized courses and transferable skills. S/he will be supervised by a main supervisor and a co-supervisor. Also, all the students will participate in short term stays in collaborative organisations and industries within the network (secondments).

    Mobility rule and eligibility criteria: Since the scholarship is part of the MSCA European Training Network programme candidates must - at the date of recruitment – be an “Early Stage Researcher” (i.e. in the first 4 years of his/her research career and not have a doctoral degree) and cannot have resided in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the three years immediately before the recruitment.

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