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PhD Positions Available (up to 2) on Fatigue Resistance of Bone

Bones not only support and protect the various organs of our body but provide structure and enable mobility making them the most important structural materials in the human body. While aging, diet and health are known to significantly affect the structural integrity and fracture resistance of bone, fatigue, a significantly more important loading condition, is rarely studied. The aim of this project is to develop an understanding of the deformation mechanisms that occur during cyclic loading of young and aged bone and investigate the influence of diseases like osteoporosis or diabetes in combination with administered drugs on its fatigue resistance.

This opportunity is for a PhD scholarship for up to two students commencing in 2020 which includes an annual stipend of AUD$ 41,209k (2019 rate, indexed) tax free, fully covered UNSW tuition fees, and up to AUD$ 10k p.a. for career development and conference travel. The project duration is four years.

This scholarship is given only to the most competitive applicants. Candidates ideally hold a Bachelor or Master’s degree in Biomechanics/Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering or Mechanical Engineering from a top university. Applicants should have strong interest in biological research and/or fracture and fatigue as well as a strong desire to perform experimental research and publish in highly ranked, peer-reviewed field-specific and interdisciplinary journals. Experimental skills such as structural and mechanical characterisation, as well as synchrotron and tomography experience are anticipated. Furthermore, they should be ambitious and resilient team-players with high leadership potential. The successful candidates will be supervised by a team of academics from both Biomedical Engineering (A/Prof. Penny Martens) and Mechanical Engineering (Dr. Bernd Gludovatz and Prof. Jay Kruzic).

Application information about UNSW Sydney and the Scientia PhD program can be found in the Biomedical Sciences strategy area of the Faculty of Engineering at:

The deadline to submit an expression of interest is 14 July 2019.

Further questions can be directed at the supervisor team:

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