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Rubber Durability Workshop - Bangalore

Chandrap's picture

Course1: Characterizing Elastomer Fatigue Behavior for Analysis and Engineering (24th July to 26th July):-

Elastomers are outstanding in their ability to repeatedly endure large deformations, and they are often applied where fatigue performance is critical. Their macromolecular structure gives rise to unique behaviors, and so appropriately specialized experimental methods are needed to characterize, analyze, and design for durability. This 3-day course will give you powerful approaches to anticipate, diagnose and solve fatigue-related issues.

Course2: Application of Rubber Fatigue Analysis with Endurica (27th July to 28th July 2018):

The physical testing requires investment in prototypes that will be destroyed and lengthy trials that execute on expensive equipment. This course shows how Endurica software can be applied to virtually evaluate fatigue performance and solve design issues at the concept stage. After this 2-day course, you will be ready to use the software to diagnose and solve fatigue issues.

Contact +91-9901969-969 for registrations


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