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2019 IMECE Student Paper Competition for Experimental Mechanics

ryanberke's picture

The ASME Applied Mechanics Division (AMD) Technical Committee for Experimental Mechanics is soliciting oral-only student presentations across four topic areas:

•    11-13: Quantitative Visualization in Fracture & Fatigue
•    11-15: Mechanical Characterization in Extreme Environments
•    11-17: Mechanics of Adhesion and Friction
•    11-18: In-Situ Techniques in Experimental Mechanics

Up to 15 finalists will be awarded $350 to reimburse their student author registration fees at ASME's 2019 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE) on November 8-14 in Salt Lake City, UT.  Based on a panel of judges, first, second, and third place presenters will be identified.

Applicants from underrepresented populations in engineering (including women and gender non-conforming individuals, racial and ethnic minorities, first-generation college students, veterans, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ+ students, etc.) are especially encouraged to apply.

To qualify, students must:
1)    Submit a qualifying abstract through ASME's submission portal no later than July 22, 2019:

2)    Email the committee chair ( indicating their interest in being considered for the competition.  Please indicate in your email:
    i)    Your educational institution and research advisor.
    ii)    Have you ever attended ASME-IMECE in the past?
    iii)    Do you identify as part of any of the listed underrepresented population(s) in engineering (if any)?

Hope to see you in Salt Lake City!

Ryan Berke (Utah State University)
Brian Bush (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
Owen Kingstedt (University of Utah)
Leslie Lamberson (Colorado School of Mines)
Natasha Vermaak (Lehigh University)

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