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Modelling the influence of strain fields around precipitates on defect equilibria and kinetics under irradiation in ODS steels: A multi scale approach

Resistance to radiation damage is a crucial property for structural materials in fission or fusion reactors. The particle-matrix interface in oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels is considered a sink for point defects created during irradiation. In this work we address the question, if elastic strain fields around oxide particles cause a long-range interaction between the precipitates and point defects. We use kinetic Monte Carlo simulations to simulate the diffusion of point defects under the influence of elastic strain fields caused by Y2O3 and Y2Ti2O7 precipitates. We show that there is essentially no interaction between vacancies and the strain fields, while the sink strength of precipitates for interstitials increases with misfit strain between precipitate and matrix. Consequently, the interstitial concentration decreases with misfit strain, while due to reduced interstitial-vacancy recombination the vacancy concentration increases with misfit strain. The total change of point defect concentration with misfit strain is, however, rather limited.

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