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University of Minnesota - Faculty Position in Structural Engineering

stefanogonella's picture

The Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering at the University of Minnesota seeks applications for a tenure-track faculty position in structural engineering focused on modeling and computational methods. We are interested in applicants with strong core fundamentals in science and engineering that allow them to move easily across disciplinary boundaries and work collaboratively to solve complex problems of local and global interests. The position is expected to be at the rank of Assistant Professor, although exceptional candidates at all ranks will be considered.

Candidates with research interests in areas of probabilistic mechanics, uncertainty quantification, stochastic methods, resilience, design optimization, and other related fields, are encouraged to apply. We are seeking individuals with a documented interest in advancing the frontiers of structural engineering, understood broadly. Successful candidates will be expected to maintain a strong externally-funded research program. Teaching responsibilities include existing undergraduate and graduate courses in structural engineering, as well as development of new courses in the candidate’s specialty areas. An earned doctorate is required at the time of the appointment.

Applications must be submitted online at

Include a letter of intent, CV, complete contact information for three references, and statements on (i) teaching interests, (ii) research interests, and (iii) fostering diversity and inclusion in the classroom and research. The review of applications will begin November 15, 2021. Applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. Expected appointment is Fall 2022.

The Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering (CEGE) at the University of Minnesota is affiliated with the Center for Transportation Studies and Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory, and its faculty are involved with these and other research centers and facilities, including the Galambos Structural Engineering Laboratory and the Multi-Axial Subassemblage Testing (MAST) Laboratory. CEGE is one of twelve departments within the College of Science and Engineering, which offers outstanding opportunities for interdisciplinary research due to the unique combination of mathematics, science, and engineering in one college.

The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer fully committed to a culturally and academically diverse faculty. Candidates who will further expand the diversity of the academic community through teaching, research, and service are particularly encouraged to apply.

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