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Ph.D. and M.A.Sc. positions at UBC Vancouver in Mechanics of Materials

mponga's picture

Dear mechanicians,

I am looking for students interested in doing a Ph.D. or M.A.Sc. (two Ph.D. students and one M.A.Sc. student). The positions are funded by NSERC and by several industrial partners. Students from everywhere can apply (there is no restriction on nationality). The positions are going to be related to:

1- Simulation of dynamic fracture of Alumina under high-strain rate. 

2- Spall and dynamic fracture modeling and testing of materials. 

3- Device failure modes under blast and impact conditions. 

Candidates with a strong background in mechanics, solid mechanics, mechanics of materials, computational modeling, and simulation are encouraged to apply. Candidates from diverse backgrounds and underrepresented minorities in academia (women, indigenous people, black or African-Americans, and people with disabilities) are strongly encouraged to apply for these positions.

Interested candidates should check the application requirements and other relevant information at

To be fully considered, candidates should submit an application before September 5, 2022. Starting dates can be Jan. 2023 or soon thereafter. 

For more information, contact me at

Best regards,


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