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Short Course on the VEM at USNCCM17

N. Sukumar's picture

Hello All,

Gianmarco Manzini (LANL) and I are teaching a short course entitled: "Virtual Element Method in Solid and Fluid Mechanics" at USNCCM17 in Albuquerque, which will be held on Sunday, July 23rd, 2023.  If you plan to be at the conference in-person, then do consider attending the short course.  A summary of the course follows:

In this short course, we will present the foundations and applications of the Virtual Element Method (VEM) [1] in solid and fluid mechanics.The VEM is a stabilized Galerkin formulation that permits robust and accurate computations on arbitrary polygonal and polyhedral meshes. It provides a variational framework for mimetic finite-differences and generalized hourglass finite elements to arbitrary polytopal meshes. Over the past decade it has become the subject of substantial research and new formulations have appeared to solve initial/boundary-value problems in solid and fluid continua. The VEM affords flexibility in element geometries that are permissible: for example, nonconvex elements, elements with short edges in 2D and short faces in 3D, and hanging nodes in a mesh to name a few.  In addition, it provides new opportunities to enable accurate and robust computations for finite elements on poor-quality finite element meshes. This course will be beneficial to graduate students, scientists and academic faculty to gain expertise in this emerging method in computational mechanics. The short course will consist of 5 lectures and a hands-on two-hour Matlab tutorial session.


[1]  L. Beirao da Veiga, F. Brezzi, A. Cangiani, G. Manzini, L. D. Marini, A. Russo, Basic principles of the virtual element method, Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 23, 119-214, 2013

For further details, please refer to the short course web page.

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