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2008 ASME Applied Mechanics Awards Recipients Announced

Ravi-Chandar's picture

The Applied Mechanics Division (AMD) of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers is pleased to announce the winners of the 2008 awards.

ASME Society Level Awards
Timoshenko Medal
:                                  Sia Nemat-Nasser, University of California, San Diego
Warner T. Koiter Medal:                          Richard D. James, University of Minnesota
Daniel C. Drucker Medal:                       Thomas C.T. Ting, Stanford University

AMD Division Level Awards

Thomas K. Caughey Dyamics Award:                       Ali H. Nayfeh, Virginia Tech
Ted Belytschko Applied Mechanics Award:             C. Fong Shih, National University of Singapore
Thomas J.R. Hughes Young Investigator Award:    Chad M. Landis, University of Texas at Austin

These awards will be presented at the Applied Mechanics Division Honors and Awards Banquet to be held on Tuesday, November 4, 2008, in Boston during the 2008 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE). We request all applied mechanicians to attend the Banquet and honor the above recipients.

2007-2008 Applied Mechanics Division Executive Committee
K. Ravi-Chandar, Chair
Dan Inman, Vice-Chair
Zhigang Suo, Program Chair
Tayfun Tezduyar, Program Vice-Chair
Ares Rosakis, Secretary


Mike Ciavarella's picture

For the young imechanicians,

    these are huge names: in Harzing's publish or perish software (using Google Scholar); you find these data. 

Nemat-Nasser h=37

RD James,  h=27

TCT Ting, h= 23.

 See details below, and have a look at the most highly cited maybe.

Regards, Mike


Query: "s nemat-nasser" or "sc nemat-nasser": all

Summary: <<
Papers:    798    Cites/paper:    11.32    h-index:    37    AWCR:    689.52
Citations:    9030    Cites/author:    3776.21    g-index:    84    AW-index:    26.26
Years:    45    Papers/author:    385.65    hc-index:    19    AWCRpA:    263.22
Cites/year:    200.67    Authors/paper:    2.08    hI-index:    16.11
                hI,norm:    26

with the most highly cited paper an impressive 1811


DR Smith, WJ Padilla, DC Vier, SC Nemat-Nasser, S …","Composite Medium with Simultaneously Negative Permeability and Permittivity",2000,"Physical Review Letters".

For RD James, I have to remove medicine to avoid the same name, but then I find

Query: "rd james": bio,bus,chm,eng,phy,soc
Summary: <<
Papers:    451    Cites/paper:    9.15    h-index:    27    AWCR:    331.97
Citations:    4125    Cites/author:    2035.71    g-index:    58    AW-index:    18.22
Years:    88    Papers/author:    268.18    hc-index:    19    AWCRpA:    144.89
Cites/year:    46.88    Authors/paper:    2.19    hI-index:    9.72
                hI,norm:    20

with the most highlycited 674,

"JM Ball, RD James","Fine phase mixtures as minimizers of energy",1987,"Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis",

For TCT Ting, 


Query: "tct ting": bio,bus,chm,eng,phy,soc
Summary: <<
Papers:    253    Cites/paper:    7.13    h-index:    23    AWCR:    119.15
Citations:    1805    Cites/author:    1333.17    g-index:    33    AW-index:    10.92
Years:    48    Papers/author:    171.45    hc-index:    9    AWCRpA:    92.36
Cites/year:    37.60    Authors/paper:    1.29    hI-index:    14.69
                hI,norm:    18

With the most higly cited with 96,

"MY CHUNG, TCT TING","Piezoelectric solid with an elliptic inclusion or hole",1996,"International journal of solids and structures",

Zhigang Suo's picture

Here is a Wikipedia entry on the ASME Applied Mechanics Division.  The entry contains links to descriptions of these awards on Wikipedia.  Anyone can update these Wikipedia pages.

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