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abaqus umat


I constructed a head model, which includes muscle, soft tissue, skin and bone. I wrote user material subroutine (umat) for muscle and soft tissue, seperately. I am going to define the muscle and soft tissues properties by using my umats. However, I dont know how to define two user material subroutines (umat) in one model. The subroutines share the same name: subroutine umat(...). If I assign two umats, ABAQUS will be confused, wont know which subroutine to go. Is there anybody who knows how to sort this out?

Many thanks,

cardiff university, uk


a simple approach could be to define 2 umats in the same umat routine. here is how:

1. u can define material props for umat. so for elements that use umat1, provide prop=1, for umat2 prop=2

now combine umats like this:

subroutine umat


if (prop=1) then

call umat1(...)

elseif (prop=2) then

call umat2(...)


end subroutine umat

subroutine umat1


end subroutine umat1


subroutine umat2


end subroutine umat2



Since the input arguments are same for all umat routines, its not a lot of work to combine. 

this may not be very efficient, there could be better ways of doing it that i am not aware of.

Donald X. Chen's picture

Yes, the above approach is quite similar to the manual 's suggestion:

Abaqus, user subroutine reference, 1.1.31–9


Example: Using more than one user-defined mechanical material model
To use more than one user-defined mechanical material model, the variable CMNAME can be tested for
different material names inside user subroutine UMAT as illustrated below:

    CALL UMAT_MAT1(argument_list)
    CALL UMAT_MAT2(argument_list)

UMAT_MAT1 and UMAT_MAT2 are the actual user material subroutines containing the constitutive
material models for each material MAT1 and MAT2, respectively. Subroutine UMAT merely acts as a
directory here. The argument list may be the same as that used in subroutine UMAT.



Shunlai.Zang's picture

but both of method are feasible..

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