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efg method
Mon, 2008-10-27 13:02 - venkata_krishna
Dear Prof. Dolbow
In your 1D efg program, you have used u=d(1:nnodes). I think, you should calculate "u" by summing after multiplying with the shape functions and "d". Because in the figure 2 phi(x) is not equal to one at the node. Phi(x) satisfies the partition of unity.
Please clearify my doubt if I am wrong.
Best regards
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My english is not good.but with u=d(1:nnodes) we can find just the displacement at nodes.but that is not the responseof EFG method. when you want to find the displacement at point of interest with EFG(at nodes or other point), you should sum after multiplying with the shape functions and "d" that we evaluated at u=d(1:nnodes).
Please correct me if I am wrong.