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2 PhD scholarships in geotechnical engineering at UPC, Barcelona

Jean-Michel Pereira's picture

Two PhD scholarships, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, are currently available in the Department of Geotechnical Engineering and Geosciences at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) (Barcelona, Spain). The PhD positions are associated to the Project “Progressive failure and the reactivation of big landslides: Analysis, prediction and risks (BIG RISK)” with Professor Eduardo Alonso and Professor Jordi Corominas as principal researchers.

The Project, which deals with landslides and catastrophic soil failures, will focus on the mechanisms that induce the failure, the reactivation of dormant landslides and the dynamics of the movement. The planned research tasks include: theoretical developments on constitutive laws, numerical modelling and experimental work.

The scholarship (called FPI) is fixed for four years and it has two periods. During the first period, the scholarship salary is around 13.700 € per year. After the second year and upon favourable performance reviews of the student, the scholarship may turn into a contract with an annual salary of around 16.000 €.

Candidates must hold a university degree on civil, geotechnical, geological or mining engineering at the time of appointment (around second trimester of 2009).

All qualified persons must apply directly to the web of Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology:

When filling the application, please refer to the project number: BIA2008-06614

The application period ends on January 26th, 2009.

In case you need further information, please contact by e-mail either Professor Eduardo Alonso (eduardo (DOT) alonso (AT) upc (DOT) edu) or Professor Jordi Corominas (jordi (DOT) corominas (AT) upc (DOT) edu).

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