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Assistant Professor position: Multi Scale Mechanics

katia bertoldi's picture

In the field of multi-scale (discrete and continuum) theory and modeling of fluids and solids.

The assistant professor will play an essential role in the Multi Scale Mechanics research group. Within this framework, he/she will have the freedom to develop his/her own research directions and work in close collaboration, e.g., with the CTW groups Engineering Fluid Mechanics and Mechanics of Forming Processes. Furthermore, he/she will be associated to the institute IMPACT ( of the University of Twente, in which 26 groups from different faculties participate.

The successful candidate:

    * will bring in experience in some areas of research in Multi-scale mechanics of solids, like fluids with microstructure, fluid-saturated solids, theoretical and numerical micro-macro transition and multi-scale approaches, modeling of single and multi-phase particulate materials / systems or solid-liquid phase transition and co-existence phenomena
    * will work on industrial applications of the above modern methods and tools
    * will help acquiring new national and international research projects
    * will contribute to educational activities of the Multi Scale Mechanics group
    * will supervise BSc, Master, and PhD student activities

Required education/skills:University Graduate
The candidate must have a PhD degree in engineering, mathematics, physics or closely related field, the ability to develop a leading research program, and enthusiasm for teaching both graduate and undergraduate courses in engineering. Excellent communication skills in English (both orally and written) are essential.
Job type: Research / Advising
- Professor, senior lecturers, lecturers(Scientific discipline: Engineering)

University of Twente
De faculteit Construerende Technische Wetenschappen (CTW)
Sharing knowledge, working together, research, innovation. It is all part of the only campus university in the Netherlands: the University of Twente (UT). A university with an international character. We have for example many foreign doctoral students, and master programmes are provided in English. Divided over 5 faculties, we provide more than 50 Bachelor and Master programmes, varying from Applied Physics and Public Administration to Applied Communication Science and Biomedical Technology. In beautiful green surroundings, more than 8000 students and 2700 staff live, work and recreate at the UT. It is also a place where talented people get every opportunity to perform cutting edge research. But as an entrepreneurial university this is not all we do. In ‘Kennispark’, for example, we work together with the business community, we support our students in setting up their own businesses and participate in many projects in the area of knowledge development. In brief, a dynamic climate in which to work and study.

De Faculteit Construerende Technische Wetenschappen (CTW) telt ca. 270 medewerkers en 1500 studenten, verdeeld over de drie opleidingen Civiele Techniek, Werktuigbouwkunde en Industrieel Ontwerpen. De faculteit is actief betrokken bij locale en nationale onderzoeksinstituten. Met industri%u05DBle partners en onderzoekers in nationaal en internationaal verband worden intensieve relaties onderhouden.

Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:

Prof.dr. Stefan Luding
E-mail address:

Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links:

    * About the organization (
    * About the department (
    * About the function ( vacatures WP/09-002-eng.doc/)
    * Faculty of Engineering Technology (
    * website Multi Scale Mechanics MSM (

You can apply for this job before 16-02-2009 (dd-mm-yyyy) by sending your application to:

Universiteit Twente

postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede


When applying for this job always mention the vacancynumber AT/09/002.

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