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Nonconvergance of Reinforced Concrete Column Subjected to Monotonic Lateral Loading in ABAQUS


 My name is Eric and I am working on my MS thesis project.  I have been tasked with analyzing a reinforced concrete column specimen in Abaqus and comparing the analysis results with the experimental measurements.  The column is subjected to cyclic lateral loading. 

I've built a preliminary model in Abaqus.  The concrete is modeled using 3-D continuum elements.  I explicitly modeled the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement using beam elements and the embedded element technique.  I am using the damaged plasticity model for the concrete.  Before I subject the column to cyclic loading I would like to just subject it to a monotonic axial load and monotonic lateral load to gain confidence in my model.  The boudnary conditions are such that the bottom face of the column is fixed against any translations.  For the monotonic axial load case I fixed the top face of the column from lateral translation and applied a gradually increasing vertical displacement.  The boudary conditions are approximately the same for the lateral load case except I fixed the top face of the column from lateral translation in one direction as well as vertical translation while applying a gradually increasing lateral displacement in the free direction.  The plasticity parameters are as follows:

 dilation angle = 35        eccentricity = 0.1        sigmab/sigmao = 1.16         k = 2/3

viscosity parameter = 0.001

 I have no problems with convergance when I subject the column to the axial displacement.  In fact, I get very favorable results.  However, when I try to apply the lateral displacement the analysis terminates due to nonconvergance upon the the first increment of the analysis step.  It should be noted that I apply an axial displacement in one analysis step and I sustain the axial load while applying the lateral load in the second analysis step.  I need help figuring out why I can't get the model to analyze the lateral displacement.  Also note that when I apply the displacement boundary conditions I apply the displacements to every node on the top face of the column.  I defined a nonzero viscosity parameter in hopes that it would take care of my convergance problem.  Also, I am utilizing the adaptive stabilization technique to mitigate local instabilities. 


Any help, comments, or suggestions would be very much appreciated!





Hello Eric,

I am doing a similar analysis using the CDP model.  I was wondering if you were able to fix your problem.  What type of damping are you using? Or are you just using the automatic stabilization with adaptive techniques? Any material damping? Rayleigh damping? Mass damping? Let me know. 


Josh T. 

dear friends

I have problem with rebar modeling  in concrete col using embeded element

at assembly module I  insert concrete and rebar independent  then I used radial pattern in order to create 4 rebars in my cylinderical concrete col and at intraction module I defined col as host and 4 rebars as embedded element.I also meshe for rebars and concrete column.

after submitting the job the following error msg apeared :

80 elements have missing property definitions. The elements have been identified in element set ErrElemMissingSection.

I would realy appriciate for ur help in advance.

Best wishes


i am trying to model a beam-column connection in reinforced concrete. i am also using beam elements and embedded elements.

i tried to mesh the concrete first followed by the rebars and i take extra care to ensure mesh continuity between the two. however, i also have the same error msg that u have. i could not debug the problem. i am wondering if u have foud the solution. hope to receive your advice.

 thank you.


 Dear friends,

     Can you please help in modeling the steel in a 3D beam. What is the CAE procedure? I am an Under-graduate and i am struck in the biginning of my BTP.

 Thank You.

- Karthik

hi everyone,

I am modelling a rc beam using abaqus and i am using concrete damaged plasticity model. now i have run the model using viscosity parameter and without viscosity parameter in CDP model.

If i use viscosity parameter the behavior is more sitffer than if i dont use. can any one tell me the reason?


I used viscosity parameter value 0.001 in one model and 0.0001 in another model .both of these analysis give more stiff result (almost double ultimate load) tahn the analysis with out specifing viscosity parameter.


if any one can help me regarding this matter please respond to my post


Thanking you 


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