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Crack modelling

dear all,


this is vinaya from Indian institute of technology-Bombay, and i am
working of interaction effect of cracked opening and i got the
analytical results,

now, i am going to work in FEM software to validate my analytical results.

my problem is, i am having two cracks, that is , four crack tips..
i want to model four crack-tips. but i think it is not possible in

if u know how to model in ansys or in ABAQUS, please help me..

thanking you


Senior Research Associate.

Hi Vinaya,

You can try using symmetry to model the cracks if ANSYS does not allow two cracks. You can also use Abaqus to model this problem. Abaqus should allow as many cracks as you want. You should define your crack in Abaqus as a seam crack or using geometry and/or interactions. Then the Assembly mode has some options for defining crack tips which should help you model your analytical results.


dear all,
i am in a master degree and i want to simulate a reinforced concrete beam in ansys. i used solid 65 for concrete volume, link 8 for reinforcement, multilinear material for concrete and bilinear for reinforcement and after meshing the concrete volume and the reinforcement i merged all nodes. but when i run the analsys, the model did not feel with the reinforcement and the beam failed by the cracking as if the reinforcement is not exist.

please help me in this problem

thank you alot

neovatsan's picture


I did a similar but a much simpler problem. I created the plate and
plotted the coordinates of the crack tip in ANSYS. Joined them as a
line by connecting the nodes, used boolean function to subtract it....
and hence got a cracked plate. U can create as many cracks as

Hope my reply is helpful..... 

Kindly let me know if there is a better method of doing it.



dear srivatsan,


my question is ,  how to apply the quarter point elements to the crack tips, ansys allows one set of quarter point element  to one tip, if i have more than one crack tip then how to procede.




dear srivatsan,


my question is ,  how to apply the quarter point elements to the crack
tips, ansys allows one set of quarter point element  to one tip, if i
have more than one crack tip then how to procede.




Erkan Oterkus's picture

Dear Vinay,

 It's been some time that I worked on this topic. As far as I remember, in ANSYS, first you need to split your model into different areas and then glue them. You can define one crack tip for each area. So, if you have four crack tip, you need at least four different areas in your model.




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