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The registered users of iMechanica pass 1000 today

The number of registered iMechanicians has just passed 1000 today. iMechanica went "officially" online on 9 September 2006. See other numbers of iMechanica recorded today, and our evolving history.

iMechanica is powered by Drupal, an open-source content management system, and hosted on a server at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, of Harvard University. Drupal has a young, vibrant development community. iMechanica has not fully used the power of the software. In particular, Drupal 5 has been released recently, and is now installed to run iMechLab, a test site for iMechanica. In the coming months, volunteers will experiment with Drupal 5, and we hope to upgrade iMechanica after volunteers give positive feedback. If you would like to volunteer, please explore modules on, and explain your experience and ideas on iMechLab.

iMechanica will stay focussed on its mission, and will run like a common. It belongs to no individual person or institution. iMechanica belongs to whoever uses it.

And so, my fellow mechanicians: ask not what you can do for iMechanica - ask what iMechanica can do for you.

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