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adminSEAS's blog

Barenblatt died, age 90

Grigory Isaakovich Barenblatt passed away on 21 June 2018 in Moscow.  He pioneered the cohesive-zone model of fracture, and made lasting contributions to the mechanics of solids and fluids.  We are deeply sorry for the passing of a giant.

Zdeněk P. Bažant’s Prepared Acceptance Speech upon Conferral of the ASCE Alfred M. Freudenthal Medal

Zdeněk P. Bažant’s Prepared Acceptance Speech upon Conferral of the ASCE Alfred M. Freudenthal Medal at ASCE-EMI Conference at MIT on May 31, 2018

(presented in an abbreviated form) (625 words, 110 words/min)


President Deodatis, Ladies and Gentlemen:


Speech of Acceptance of the 2016 Timoshenko Medal by Ray Ogden


Applied Mechanics Division Banquet, Phoenix, Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Thank you Arun for the very kind introduction.  However, I think the citation is rather too generous and more than a little exaggerated!

Shengqiang Cai will be the new editor of the iMechanica Journal Club

Shengqiang Cai, of the University of California at San Diego, will be the new editor of the iMechanica Journal Club.  He is an active researcher in the field of soft materials, and has made contributions to the development of theory, experiment, and computation.  He will be principally responsible for selecting the discussion leaders for themes in 2017.

Comments made at “Mechanics, Education and Research Universities: Perspective for the 21st Century”

Comments made at a symposium to celebrate Choon Fong Shih on the occasion of his 70th birthday, held at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 200 Beacon Street, MA

Professor Da Hsuan Feng, Director of Global Affairs and Special Advisor to Rector, University of Macau

Mechanics, Education and Research Universities: Perspectives for the 21st Century

A Symposium to celebrate Choon Fong Shih on the occasion of his 70th birthday

Group photo I, Group photo II

11 May 2016, 5pm-7pm.  Reception at the Harvard Faculty Club (20 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA 02138)

Speech of Acceptance of the 2015 Timoshenko Medal by Michael Ortiz

Applied Mechanics Division Banquet, Houston, 17 November 2015.

Howdy! I am your after-dinner entertainment!

Michael Ortiz will receive the 2015 Timoshenko Medal

Michael Ortiz will receive the 2015 Timoshenko Medal.  He will give the speech of acceptance at the Annual Applied Mechanics Banquet, on Tuesday, 17 November 2015, in Houston, at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition.  

Come to the Congress to congratulate Professor Michael Ortiz in person.  

Teng Li will be the new Editor of iMechanica Journal Club

Teng Li, the co-founder of iMechanica, will be the new editor of iMechanica Journal Club.  He has also played an instrumental role in the recent launch of the Elsevier Journal Extreme Mechanics Letters.

Speech of Acceptance of the 2014 Timoshenko Medal by Robert M. McMeeking

Applied Mechanics Division Banquet, Palais des congrès de Montréal, Quebec, Canada, November 18th, 2014.

Now I can say whatever I like in my Timoshenko Lecture and it won’t matter – because you will only remember Ken Liechti playing the bagpipes and, perhaps, the kilts.  Thank you Ken.

Ted Belytschko passed away

It is with great sadness that we post this entry.  Ted Belytschko passed away early this morning, 15 September 2014.  

James R. Rice will receive the 2014 Theodore von Karman Medal

Professor James R. Rice, of Harvard University, will receive the 2014 Theodore von Karman Medal.  Here is a link to an announcement.

iMechanica has been upgraded

Harvard IT has recently upgraded iMechanica to a new server.  In addition, iMechanica is now powered by a new version of Drupal.  These changes may affect your use of iMechanica.  Please let us know if you find something wrong.  Thank you.

Lallit Anand will receive the 2014 Drucker Medal

Lallit Anand will receive the 2014 Drucker Medal.  There will be a symposium in his honor at the International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, 14-20 November, Montreal, Canada.  See you there.

Call for Proposals: Recent Trends in Mechanics

The US National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNCTAM) publishes periodic Reports on Recent Trends in Mechanics. An archive of recent reports can be found at the Committee’s website. The USNCTAM has reorganized the process for generating such reports; a SubCommittee (K. Ravi‐Chandar, Chair (, G. McKinley, Vice‐Chair (gareth@MIT.EDU), A.

Vicky Nguyen is named Editor of the iMechanica Journal Club

vicky NguyenVicky Nguyen, of the Johns Hopkins University, is named Editor of the iMechanica Journal Club.  Vicky has a broad vision for mechanics, and has made contributions to diverse topics.  in 2008, she received the Presidential Early Career Awar

Speech of Acceptance of the 2013 Timoshenko Medal by Richard M. Christensen

dcApplied Mechanics Division Honors & Awards Banquet, 19 November 2013, Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego.

Thank you to all of you for this fine honor.

Stephen Juhasz died on 19 June 2013 at the age of 99.

Stephen Juhasz died on 19 June 2013 at the age of 99. The following brief description of Juhasz's career was provided by Norm Abramson.

Juhasz received his Dip. Ing. From Budapest Technical University in 1936; Teknologie Licensiate (doctorate) from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden in 1951; and an Honorary Doctorate of engineering from Budapest Technical University in 1989.

Frederick A. Leckie died at age of 84

We are deeply sorry to report that Fred Leckie died on Friday, 14 June 2013, at the age of 84.  A brief description of Fred's career is contained in the 2000 ASME Materials Division Newsletter, when Fred received the Nadai Medal.


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