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New Nature journal launched: Nature Communications

azadpoor's picture

The first issue of the new interdisciplinary Nature journal (Nature Communications) is avilable online. Here is the description of the journal from the website of the journal:

Nature Communications is an
online-only, multidisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing
high-quality research in all areas of the biological, physical and
chemical sciences. Papers published by the journal represent important
advances of significance to specialists within each field.

The scope of the journal reflects Nature Publishing Group's core
strengths in the biological, chemical and physical sciences, including
areas in which Nature research journals serve to publish the most
outstanding community-focused research papers. In addition, Nature Communications encourages submissions
in fields that aren't represented by a dedicated Nature research
journal; for example developmental biology, plant sciences,
microbiology, ecology and evolution, palaeontology and astronomy. The
editors particularly welcome submissions from cross-disciplinary fields,
including biophysics, bioengineering, chemical physics and
environmental science, although no area is excluded from consideration.
In all cases, papers published in Nature
will be of high quality, without necessarily
having the scientific reach of papers published in Nature and the Nature
research journals.


Nature Communications is committed
to providing an efficient service for both authors and readers. A
streamlined peer-review system, together with the support of an
Editorial Advisory Panel, allows a team of independent editors to make
rapid and fair publication decisions. Prompt dissemination of accepted
papers to Nature Publishing Group's wide readership and beyond is
achieved through a programme of continuous online publication. Published
manuscripts are enhanced by innovative web technologies, including
interactive browsing and efficient data- and text-mining.



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