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azadpoor's blog

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From flat sheets to curved geometries: Origami and kirigami approaches

Our recent review paper on how origami and kirigami techniques that could be used to create curved geometries has been just publised online. It is available as an open access article, which is why I am posting it here. We have also included some beautiful photos of our hand-folded origami and kirigami. 

Callens, SJP, Zadpoor, AA, 2017, “From flat sheets to curved geometries: origami and kirigami approaches”, Materials Today, in press.

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PhD positions in my ERC project

I was recently awarded an ERC grant for which I will be hiring up to five new PhD students with different types of expertise. Actual hiring will take some time, as new researchers are needed at different stages of the project (not all PhD students will start at the beginning of the project). Interested candidates with the following backgrounds and skill sets are encouraged to contact me directly at

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Mechanics of Additively Manufactured Biomaterials and Implants: Special issue of J Mech Behav Biomed Mater

Additive manufacturing (AM) has emerged as a powerful technique for manufacturing of various types of biomaterials and implants. Using AM, it is now possible to fabricate biomaterials with arbitrarily complex shapes at different scales. The inventory of biomaterials that can be used in this way continues to increase, extending the possible range of products and applications.

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Additive Manufacturing (3D printing) lab at TU Delft

After several years of research in the area of additive manufacturing, biofabrication, and additively manufactured biomaterials and implants, I finally put up the first version of the website of my lab. I will gradually improve the website, but there is already links to all publications coming out of my lab in the general area of AM.


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Special Issue "Mechanics of Biomaterials"

The mechanical behavior of biomedical materials and biological tissues are important for their proper function. This holds true, not only for biomaterials and tissues whose main function is structural such as skeletal tissues and their synthetic substitutes, but also for other tissues and biomaterials. Moreover, there is an intimate relationship between mechanics and biology at different spatial and temporal scales. It is therefore important to study the mechanical behavior of both synthetic and living biomaterials.

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Deadline extended: Call for abstracts and special issue papers: Computational mechanics of cells, tissues, and biomaterials

We would be pleased to have a contribution from you or from one of the
members of your group among the presentations of the symposium entitled
organized within the joint World Congress on Computational Mechanics and European Conference on Computational Mechanics ( )
to be held on 20-25 July 2014 in Barcelona (Spain).

azadpoor's picture

Call for abstracts and special issue papers: Computational mechanics of cells, tissues, and biomaterials

We would be pleased to have a contribution from you or from one of the members of your group among the presentations of the symposium entitled
organized within the joint World Congress on Computational Mechanics and European Conference on Computational Mechanics ( )
to be held on 20-25 July 2014 in Barcelona (Spain).

azadpoor's picture

Call for special issue papers: Mechanics of cells, tissues, and biomaterials

The paramount role of mechanics in life has recently been the center of attention of many researchers. This special issue will be focusing on the role of mechanics in the life of cells and tissues and their interactions with biomaterials. Original research and review papers are solicited for review and publication in the journal Mechanical Sciences . Mechanical Sciences is an academic open-access journal sponsored by the Library of Delft University of Technology and The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).

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Computational mechanics of cells, tissues, and biomaterials (ECOMASS 2012), DEADLINE EXTENDED to FEBRUARY 29

Deadline for submission of abstracts extended to February 29th.

As a part of ECCOMAS 2012 (European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering)

Submit your Abstract (Choose mini-symposium MS114)

azadpoor's picture

PhD position on tissue engineering of cartilage and mechanical evaluation of the generated tissue

A vacant four-years PhD position is available. This PhD project will be done in Erasmus Medical Center (Rotterdam, NL) in collaboration with Delft University of Technology (Delft, NL) and is a part of a larger Dutch project on regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. The aim of the project is to generate cartilage from bone marrow derived stem cells in culture and evaluate them with molecular assays (Rotterdam) and mechanical assays (Delft). The culture protocol can be varied with oxygen level, tonicity, and active molecules.

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Call for abstracts: Growth, adaptation, and differentiation of cells and tissues (WCCM 2012) DEADLINE EXTENDED

Call for Abstracts (Deadline extended to February 12, 2011)

 As a part of WCCM 2012 (10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics)

 Submit Your Abstract (Choose mini-symposium MS-149)

azadpoor's picture

Postdoc position, modeling growth, differentiation and adaptation of biological tissues

I have a one-year vacant postdoc position. The work will be mostly related to development of FE models for modeling growth, differentiation, and adaptation of biological tissues. The postdoc needs to know a lot about nonlinear continuum mechanics and advanced material models and should be able to write FE codes and implement advanced material models in commercial FE programs.

azadpoor's picture

Computational mechanics of cells, tissues, and biomaterials (ECOMASS 2012), DEADLINE EXTENDED

Deadline for submission of abstracts extended to January 18th.

As a part of ECCOMAS 2012 (European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering)

Submit your Abstract (Choose mini-symposium MS114)

azadpoor's picture

General consitutive modeling framework for anisotropic pro-visco-hyperelastic materials?

Modeling the constitutive behavior of biological tissues often involves anisotropy, hyperelasticity, viscoelasticity, and poroelasticity. I am looking for a good monograph/paper/textbook that presents a general constitutive modeling framework where these aspects are presented in an interconnected way. Most references treat these aspects separately, perhaps devoting a chapter to every aspect.

azadpoor's picture

New Nature journal launched: Nature Communications

The first issue of the new interdisciplinary Nature journal (Nature Communications) is avilable online. Here is the description of the journal from the website of the journal:

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Failure of protein materials in disease and other extreme conditions

The recent issue of Nature Materials includes a review paper on the deformation and failure of protein materials in physiologically extreme conditions and disease. The paper was interesting, so I am posting the abstract here. For the full-paper visit Nature Materials.

Nature Materials 8, 175 - 188 (2009) | doi:10.1038/nmat2387

Deformation and failure of protein materials in physiologically extreme conditions and disease

Markus J. Buehler & Yu Ching Yung

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A recent paper about friction laws at the nanoscale

A very recent paper published a few minutes ago in Nature addresses the issue of friction laws at the nanoscale. Here is the abstract of the paper.Interested? here you can download the paper.

Nature 457, 1116-1119 (26 February 2009) | doi:10.1038/nature07748; Received 3 September 2008; Accepted 23 December 2008

Friction laws at the nanoscale

Yifei Mo1, Kevin T. Turner1,2,3 & Izabela Szlufarska1,3

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Sharing ABAQUS UMAT and VUMAT subroutines

I have noticed that a lot of people are using UMAT and VUMAT material model
subroutines for their researches. However, most of these subroutines do not
find their way to free code market and remain in the hands of the developers.
Therefore, a lot of wheel re-inventing has to be done by other people. Since
development and testing of a material subroutine takes a damn long time, I
think it is a good idea if each of us can share the subroutines she has
developed with the others. I know that a couple of subroutines are publicly

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