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Jingjie Yeo's picture

Adsorption and Conformational Evolution of Alpha-Helical BSA Segments on Graphene: A Molecular Dynamics Study Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are performed to investigate the adsorption mechanics and conformational dynamics of single and multiple bovine serum albumin (BSA) peptide segments on single-layer graphene through analysis of parameters such as the root-mean-square displacements, number of hydrogen bonds, helical content, inter- action energies, and motions of mass center of the peptides.

Markus J. Buehler's picture

Postdoc position at MIT available immediately

We have several open postdoc positions, to be filled immediately.

The first project is focused on thermal management. The project involves the computational and theoretical analysis of graphene/graphite-metal nanocomposites and experimental work carried out by other team members. We are looking for a strong person with background in thermal and mechanical properties of materials, preferrably with background in molecular simulation.

azadpoor's picture

Failure of protein materials in disease and other extreme conditions

The recent issue of Nature Materials includes a review paper on the deformation and failure of protein materials in physiologically extreme conditions and disease. The paper was interesting, so I am posting the abstract here. For the full-paper visit Nature Materials.

Nature Materials 8, 175 - 188 (2009) | doi:10.1038/nmat2387

Deformation and failure of protein materials in physiologically extreme conditions and disease

Markus J. Buehler & Yu Ching Yung

MD simulation VS. Continuum mechanical model Of protein

Hi, all

Molecular dynamics (or MC) is a powerful tool in the protein research. There're lots of scientific works in this field, which deepen our understanding gradually. My question follows, "how about the continuum mechaics in protein research".

Any discussions and advices are appreciated.


Kong    5th Sep 2007


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