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looking for post-doc

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Ramesh Gupta B, Aerospace Engineering Department, IISc, Bangalore. INDIA. Pin: 560012. (91) 9242844936 

April 30, 2010


Dear Sir,


I am Ramesh Gupta, graduating with Doctor’s degree from Aerospace engineering department, IISc, INDIA. in Aug 2010 (expected). I am very much interested in continuing my post-doctoral research in the fields related to the Nonlinear material models, Multifunctional Composite Structures, Coupled field analysis, Morphing Structures, Deployable Structures and Biomechanics.

My theses work is in the area of nonlinear mechanics of dimensionally reducible structures using Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM), and my specific research topic is the dimensional reduction and recovery of 3D fields of nonlinear material models (isotropic, orthotropic and dielectric hyperelastic) using VAM in an asymptotically correct manner for plates and shells. I have developed unified software VAMNLM (Variational Asymptotic Method for NonLinear Material models) which encapsulates the analytical development and numerical implementation (finite element analysis).  Prior to PhD I worked at Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) as a Senior consultant engineer. My specific role is development and evaluation of fluid-structure interaction package INSTAR.


I would like to know the possibilities of applying for post-doctoral or research positions in your lab with your guidance. If you have any questions or would like to talk with me, I can be reached by phone at (91) 9242844936 or email at or

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. 


Ramesh Gupta

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