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Lie Derivative, Deformation Rate, Velocity Gradient

I'm trying to understand elastic deformation using the Lie derivative. I've read a good summary on Wiki but want other sources to review. Can anyone offer any sources &/or explanations. I need something fairly basic. Thanks, John.


arash_yavari's picture

You may want to have a look at "Computational Inelasticity" by Simo and Hughes.



Thanks, I tried Simo & Hughes but found a bit too advanced for me. Have you seen Nonlinear Solid Mechanics by Holzapfel ?  Only short section on Lie derivative & deformation but found helpful. Thanks again, John.

Mubeen's picture

may be the chapter on kinematics in the book "Elastoplasticity Theory" (by V Lubarda)  can help you.



Thanks very much, I'll try Lubarda. Have you seen Nonlinear Solid Mechanics by Holzapfel ?  Only short
section on Lie derivative & deformation but found helpful. Thanks
again, John.

Hello John,

I have recently seen your blog, and I would like to respond.

I think Lie derivative is not an easy topic at all, so I think there is no simple explanation (or the simple explanation is not exhaustive).

My suggestion would be to look at Frankel: The Geometry of Physics, for the mathematical background, and then Marsden-Hughes: Mathematical Foundations of Elasticity for the role of Lie derivative in elasticity.

I know that they are a bit advanced, but the insight thees books give is worth it.



Thanks very much for suggesting the books & also kind words about Lie derivative being challenging. I have been using Marsden/Hughes &, with some time, have begun to understand (some of) it. I'll try Frankel. 

In the meantime, I have found some lecture notes from Prof. Pandolfi at Milano Tech. which have been a good starting point. Also, some papers on geometric kinematics by Marsden, Hughes et al. If any of this of interest, I'm pleased to share.

 Thanks, John. 

Dear John,

 Unfortunately I don't remember the details of the paper you want. When I have time I will re-search for it in Wait a little because I have a lot of work to do these days ok?

 Best regards,


George Papazafeiropoulos


Second Lieutenant, Hellenic Air Force

Civil Engineer (M.Sc), Ph.D. Candidate



No problem, just let me know when convenient. Thanks again, John. 

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