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Research Fellow Position Available @ NTU: Concrete Material Modeling

Tang Lihua's picture

Concrete Material Modelling under High Strain Rate

Post available: Research Fellow

Duration of appointment:2 years


Brief description of the research project

Theproject aims to develop an appropriate computational model for the simulation and prediction of the breakup and debris throw of earth-coverconcrete structures under internalblast loading. The research scope will cover computational analysis methods, constitutive modelling of concrete materials for high strain rate loading, development of numerical techniques for the simulation of material break-up and prediction of debris throwprocesses.


Candidate specifications:

§ PhD degree in relevant disciplines;

§ Experience in material modelling under high strain rate; knowledge in concrete or brittle material a plus;

§ Experience in using commercial software such as LSDYNA and ANSYS for simulation of high-rate dynamics a plus;

§ Competent in programming using scientific computer languages like FORTRAN and C++;

§ Good written skill in English will be an added advantage;


Closing date: till the position is filled

Contact Information:

Assoc Prof Yang Yaowen

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Nanyang Technological University

Singapore 639798

Telephone: (+65) 67905299

Fax: (+65) 6791 0676

Information aboutNanyang Technological University:

Information about the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering:



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