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# Finite Element Modeling; Multiscale Modeling; Mechanics of Materials

rabedi's picture

MS/PhD RA positions, U Tennessee Knoxville, Statistical homogenization & multiscale failure analysis

I have up to 4 open positions (funded by the department of defense and other sources) for MS or PhD (preferred) students at the University of Tennessee Knoxville (UTK). Almost certainly, I cannot hire a postdoctoral fellow. The positions should start in Fall 2022 or at the latest Spring 2023. One of the positions requires US citizenship.


All projects use Multiscale stochastic homogenization of materials using statistical volume elements (SVEs) to some extent.


Looking for an internship or visiting student opportunity focusing on mechanics and multi-scale modeling of metals and alloys

Dear iMechanica Community,

I am looking for an internship or visiting student opportunity focusing on mechanics and multi-scale modeling of metallic materials in Canada, Europe, Australia, South Korea, Japan, or Singapore.

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