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electrical machines

Postdoc (1.5 years) on topology optimization of electrical machines

Over the past years, UGent-MMS has developed a stand-alone topology optimization code for additive manufacturing applications. The topology optimization software can deal with thermo-mechanical coupled problems, combined with multi-material selection. Such features are not available in any commercial topology optimization code.
The code can also deal with large industrial optimization problems, with millions degrees of freedom in three-dimensional finite element models.

Postdoc vacancy (1.5 years) on topology optimization of electrical machines

Over the past years, UGent-MMS has developed a stand-alone topology optimization code for additive manufacturing applications. The topology optimization software can deal with thermo-mechanical coupled problems, combined with multi-material selection. Such features are not available in any commercial topology optimization code.
The code can also deal with large industrial optimization problems, with millions degrees of freedom in three-dimensional finite element models.

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