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Peer review

Guidelines for Suggesting Peer Reviewers for Manuscripts

As a journal editor, I am often surprised by some of the suggestions authors make for potential reviewers.  In some cases the suggestions are not very good, and on occasion authors do not suggest reviewers at all.  Some authors will even state explicitly that they cannot think of any reviewers, which is really surprising.   

Mike Ciavarella's picture

Wikipedia on H-index ---- another excellent article, and also very interesting!

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This article is about the index of scientific research impact. For the economic measure, see Herfindahl index.

Mike Ciavarella's picture

A movement to improve Peer Review in Italy and the relative Forum


Palazzo del Quirinale, 09-07-2008

Il Presidente Giorgio Napolitano rivolge il
suo indirizzo di saluto ad una delegazione dei firmatari di due appelli
in favore della ricerca scientifica

Martijn Feron's picture

Web journals threaten peer-review system

The peer review system has been the established way to select publicated research for decades. However, this way of publishing may come to an end.

New developments in this field embrace the idea that research should not be restricted by the iron grip of the journals. The value of the authors work is debated in cyberspace, leading to a number of consequences. Disadvantages include the possibility of a deluge of junk science due to the unfiltered publishing and online abuse concerning unfairly ridiculing rival's work. On the other side scientific discovery could be accelerated and online critiques may help detect mistakes or fraud more quickly.

Already the first initiatives are present, Philica, PLoS (Public Library of Science). Online journals are not boomingly popular, as they have attracted little attention so far. However, possibilities regarding reaching a broad audience in a fast way seem promising...

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